SBCA CBO holds Thanksgiving Mass for 2023 Bedan Bar Exam Passers

Written by Alyanna Joyce Abadejos/THE RED CHRONICLES
Layout by Lynden Alyanna M. Valenzuela/THE RED CHRONICLES

MUNTINLUPA, PH—The San Beda College Alabang School of Law – Centralized Bar Operations (CBO) organized a Thanksgiving Mass at the St. Benedictine Chapel last January 19, 2023.

It was held in celebration of the 176 Bedan bar passers, following the announcement of the Supreme Court.

The homily urged future lawyers to mirror King David, who was a resolute defender of justice and the vulnerable, despite his noble position. It was further highlighted in the gospel that King David’s victory was not about personal vindication; rather, it was about service. Such a story became a reminder for future lawyers to work towards building a more just and equitable society.

Atty. Bryan Borero, one of the 2023 Bar Exam passers, described his emotions upon being notified of his successful take, “I felt overwhelming gratitude towards my family for the countless sacrifices they’ve made for me, and also towards myself for persevering and not giving up, even during the toughest moments when quitting seemed tempting.”

He also gave credit to San Beda College Alabang as his alma mater, “San Beda College Alabang was like a second home to me. I’m especially grateful to Dean Ulan and all my professors. Without a doubt, San Beda College Alabang boasts some of the finest law professors in our country, who have equipped us with the necessary tools to excel in the bar exam.”

Each of the triumphant barristers’ names was shown live on screen at the end of the mass. Students and faculty who were present cheered for the school’s alumni.

On his emotions during the school event, Atty. Antonio Duran claimed, “It was a nice and heartwarming feeling to be back for the Thanksgiving Mass. Celebrating the achievement with my friends and having the chance to see the professors who helped me get here made the whole event worthwhile.”

Thanksgiving mass was one of those moments where it slowly sank in that I made it. [I] really felt the support from my alma mater,” said Atty. Miguel Pangilinan, another passer of the #HernanDoIt Bar Exams.

Meanwhile, Dean Ulan P. Sarmiento III delivered a speech, reminding everyone to remain humble and in touch with the people. This, he believed, was one of the keys to success.

He added that San Beda College Alabang will always be a second home to its former students. As stated by the Dean himself multiple times, “Come back.”

Headed by Reese Belarmino, CBO’s Chairperson for Operations and Logistics, the event included a compilation of video messages from families and friends of the bar passers. Further showcased therein was the journey of SBCA Centralized Bar Operations through various support programs such as bar mentoring, seminars, and the making and delivery of essential kits.

When asked why CBO works so hard to care for the school’s bar takers, Belarmino answered, “It feels great to be supported, to have a great sense of belonging, to have an entire community who cheers you on and prays for you. My goal is for every bar-taker to feel that.”

Finally, Atty. Reed Lopez, an attendee of the event and former member of the CBO, described how he felt in the mass, as well as his gratitude towards his organization:

Honestly, it was ecstatic and, at the same time, nostalgic. It [was] ecstatic in the sense that I saw my classmates, colleagues, and friends who helped me reach the other side, which is the bar. Most importantly, I watched the video message from my family and loved ones who kept me sane during the bar review season. For me, the bar exam proved the proverb, “It will take a village for one to get the “dot” in that A-T-T-Y.

We were not alone in the battle. It was nostalgic in the sense that it felt good to be back home, where I started to dream and work for that dream. I remembered the “bad recit” days, the times when I was nervous because I was not able to finish the coverage, the times when we just laughed after the exams because we did not know the answer in a specific number, and most importantly, the times when I prayed so hard, asking for knowledge and guidance from God, so I could surpass every semester. All the hard work paid off.

The Thanksgiving Mass organized by the CBO made us realize that, with God, nothing is impossible. Also, it made us believe that every dream is reachable if you have the faith and the will to accept the challenges and obstacles. Lastly, it reminded us that “In all things, God may be glorified. Thank you, CBO.”

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