OPINION | Beyond Borders: Modernization of Defense in the name of National Integrity and Sovereignty

Written by Alan Leong/THE RED CHRONICLES

Layout by Lynden Alyanna Valenzuela/THE RED CHRONICLES

Bullying is an age-old issue and in today’s world, it unfortunately still is one of the most pressing of problems that we have had to face. Now, you would think that the invention of the internet would help solve these matters, but it has only taken bullying to a new level – what could have been a small personal matter can now be escalated to a global one. 

The internet holds much power, but when it comes to bullying, it becomes a bully’s best ally; with trolls hiding their identity online and cyberbullies having a greater reach than before. This, unfortunately, is the world we live in today. 

Now, how does this matter affect countries? Do they, as a county, bully? I say yes! One perfect example is the military flex of China in the Philippines. 

China has declared that the 9-dash line is the established territory of China which includes the entire West Philippine Sea. The Chinese Coast Guard has been broadcasting that the Philippine vessels operating within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Philippines are illegally trespassing on China’s territory, and even going as far as shooting water canons at the vessels, even if these vessels are not equipped with anything other than supplies for the Filipinos who reside in those islands. 

With all that has happened, we have to ask ourselves “How is the Philippines supposed to defend itself with such a superpower at its doorstep?” Is this China exercising its right to defend their area, or are they simply bullying the Filipinos into submitting what is, in fact, ours?  

In recent times, the Philippines has been modernizing its army to face this threat. Overall, the modernization of the Philippine Army is a critical step towards enhancing national security and ensuring the Philippines can adequately address both current and future defense challenges. This effort is part of the broader Horizon 3 phase of the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) modernization program, which spans 2023 to 2028.

Horizon 3 Investments

The Philippine government has allocated 500 billion Pesos for Horizon 3, focusing on acquiring advanced military technologies and enhancing the country’s defense capabilities. Major components of this plan include the procurement of multirole fighter jets, missile systems, radars, helicopters, and the Philippines’ first submarine fleet​. The AFP’s strategy involves not only upgrading hardware but also improving intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities to effectively integrate and utilize these new systems. 

The overarching goal is to create a more robust, responsive, and technologically advanced military force capable of defending the nation’s sovereignty and interests in the region​. In response to the increasing security challenges, the Philippine legislature has earmarked 45 billion Pesos for defense spending in 2024, with the potential for additional supplementary budgets to support intelligence and material acquisitions. 

This financial commitment underscores the government’s dedication to advancing its military capabilities amidst the evolving geopolitical landscape. 

But with all these plans and advancements, will this be enough if war comes knocking on our doors? 

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