A Bedan’s Leap of Faith

By Alyanna Joyce S. Abadejos | The Red Chronicles

The Bar Examinations, perhaps, is seen as one of the most daunting challenges for each aspiring lawyer. Bar takers are expected to put in tremendous effort, take on many sleepless nights, and sacrifice much of their time reviewing all covered topics. 

However, try as one might, there are undoubtedly some things beyond each person’s control. 

In such trying times, one may have no other option but to leave it in the hands of a higher being. Here are a few leaps of faith that former alumni–barristers took before they could proudly call themselves Bedan lawyers. 

Atty. Steph Pelausa

Before the results came out, I significantly remembered that my partner and I went to several different churches to pray a day before “that” significant day. 

We went to different churches, lit several candles, and offered our prayer intentions. We did that because, at that point, I knew that I had already given all that I could to pass, and prayers were the only thing that could give me comfort.

Cliche as it may seem, I knew that aside from my personal efforts and the support from my loved ones, my faith carried me through. Everything back then was filled with uncertainty, and the only thing certain was that I never had to go through all those uncertainties alone.

Atty. Rasper Antonio 

During the bar review, my friends and I prayed the rosary via Discord to help us in our review. If I remember correctly, we did this for a month, then we also prayed nine straight days of novena to St. Jude. 

The day of the release of the 2022 Bar results, I drove to St. Padre Pio Shrine in Sto. Tomas, Batangas. My mom and I waited for the results there while praying fervently for St. Padre Pio’s favor. 

I remember sobbing so loudly inside the almost empty church; it echoed. I was kind of embarrassed at that time, but I won’t have it any other way.

My faith played a huge part in passing the bar. Staying true to San Beda’s motto, Ora et Labora, I believe that half of the battle was won through prayers.

Atty. Christian Miguel Candelaria 

I started my review around 6 months before the bar. I established a strict schedule for review, leisure, and sleep. I started my day at 8 a.m. and stopped studying at 10 p.m. However, I would pray the rosary every night. 

I also made sure to maintain communication with my loved ones, especially my significant other. I reminded myself that it was still important to spend time with my significant other, even if I was reviewing for the bar.

Having faith does not necessarily guarantee success. Countless variables are involved when it comes to passing the infamous bar exams. From rigid schedules and deadlines to a sound, balanced mindset, there is no straight formula. 

Nevertheless, these words are testaments to how faith played a part in success. While it may not have been the sole factor, that does not take away from its importance.

When you’re put in a position filled with doubts and uncertainty, try to take a chance on faith. 

Note: This article was first published in the 2024 Bar Issue print issue of The Red Chronicles last September 26, 2024.

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