Balancing Law School and Well-being: Strategies for Mental Health and Work-Life

“One storm at a time”

Written by Aira Julie Gianan/THE RED CHRONICLES; Layout by Dwight Sambat/THE RED CHRONICLES

           I vividly recall the first time I heard the words “I rest my case.” It seemed so conclusive and assured as if the lawyer had laid out their argument with such clarity and conviction that there was nothing left to do but to acknowledge the truth in their words. “I rest my case, Your Honor, but I won’t rest my sanity,” has become my personal battle cry, a declaration that whilst I might put my arguments to rest, my willpower, get-up-and-go, and self-care won’t be stifled. Little did I know that someday, the expression would take on an entirely novel significance for me.           

While case law might be black and white, life is not. Do you know what they say about law school? It’s not that “oh-so-easy” stroll in the park or a piece of cake because truth be told, that park they’re talking about? Well, it is a full-blown Jurassic Park adventure, and I do not mean the kind with docile herbivores munching on leaves. No, imagine facing off against the T-Rex of endless readings, the Raptors of complex legal concepts, and the Pterodactyls of deadlines swooping in to pick away at your sanity. Law school throws me into a storm of pressure, deadlines, and concepts that feel as ancient and intimidating as those prehistoric giants. It’s not just studying – it is survival, and the clock is ticking.

Law school is not just about burying myself in textbooks and legal precedents until my brain surrenders. Striking the right balance between pushing myself to excel and recognizing when to step back and recover is crucial. Let me tell you, achieving that balance is a form of art. It is like walking on a tightrope, expertly managing my well-being while fulfilling my academic responsibilities. It will not be easy-going. There will be many stumbles and defeats, “bokya recitations,” emotional roller-coaster rides, and frustrations. Some are weird and some make me second-guess myself; nevertheless, I always bear in mind that I cannot let the negativity overwhelm me. Instead, I remind myself why I wanted to study law. Not just earning the Juris Doctor degree, not just to become a lawyer, but to champion legal causes for the greater good of society.

But you know what? Even amid the countless challenges I am currently facing, I still believe that the highest goal is to bring glory to God. In all that I do, I aim to honor Him. This is because I understand that this battle is not one I am supposed to tackle alone. My faith has grown from being just a belief into something that supports me, much like a mountaineer relies on their gear when scaling a steep peak. I lean on my faith to guide me through the steep challenges of law school. It serves as my anchor when stress threatens to overwhelm me and my North Star when I find myself lost in a sea of legal jargon.

And then there is my support system – my friends and family who stick by me through every twist and turn on this journey. They are the ones who lend an ear when I need to vent after a particularly draining day. They are the ones who remind me that I am not alone, that we are all in this together, battling our obstacles and celebrating our victories as one. 

Let’s get real – law school is not a leisurely walk, and it is definitely not a walk in the park. It is a bold adventure, a test of both my intellect and resilience. It is not just about surviving; it is about thriving even in the midst of chaos. As the next deadline looms and the next reading assignment beckons, I will take a deep breath, remind myself of my purpose, and keep moving forward, one storm at a time.

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