By: Aira Julie F. Gianan

Layout by Jed Paul O. Naval

“Law school is like walking in the park, but the park is Jurassic Park,” a line we can often hear during freshman orientation. At first, it appears like an overstatement projected to frighten aspiring law students. However, as reality sets in, one quickly realizes it is not just Jurassic Park; it is the very gate of hell—a do-or-die, survival-of-the-fittest environment. 

That expression captures the unnerving ride ahead. It will not be laid back, but it will be intensely gratifying. The elation of finally becoming a law student, once a distant dream, is now a reality. Many share this excitement, as for most, becoming a lawyer represents the pinnacle of their ambitions. Even if that is not the case, there is a primary purpose for your presence here: why you chose the prestigious halls of San Beda and why you find yourselves at the “HAPPIEST LAW SCHOOL IN ALABANG.”

On behalf of The Red Chronicles, let me welcome you to a ride filled with stumbles and defeats, “bokya recitations,” emotional roller-coasters, and myriad frustrations. Some experiences will be perplexing, and others will make you second-guess yourself. However, do not let pessimism overpower you. Instead, persistently remind yourself of the noble reasons you chose to study law. 

As Elle Woods said in the movie Legally Blonde, “I changed my mind. I’ll take the dangerous one, because I’m not afraid of a challenge.” Perhaps you are Elle Woods in the making. But, as Elle Woods, she has always had faith in people, and more importantly, she has faith in herself. So as you traverse this path, always keep your objectives in sight and let no impediment dissuade you. The path will indubitably be grueling, but let the challenges strengthen your resolve. 

Win every battle and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Ika nga, “It is not merely about earning a Juris Doctor degree or becoming a lawyer; it is about championing legal causes for the greater good of society.” 

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