[Graduation 2022] Message of Class Valedictorian John Roland Mabbun

Do not be afraid to take that first step. No matter how small of a step you take – no matter how insignificant it seems, you will still be closer to your dreams than if you did not take that step at all. We might not have noticed it but we are where we are now because we took those small, incremental steps. For every study session. For every recitation. For every exam. We got closer and closer to our dream. And now that we have achieved our goal in law school, we think of other goals in life and other things to achieve. Do not get discouraged of how far those goals may seem. Just remember to take that small step.

Keep on keeping on. There can be no success without persistence. Our trials in law school were meant to prepare us for the bigger challenges in life. When you try to look back at all the hardships you have encountered and overcome, you will realize the personal growth you have achieved. It is then that you will be able to see the beauty in your struggle. So, no matter how ugly the situation may be, know that you can only appreciate the picture once it is developed.

Live a life that is balanced. United States Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story once stated that the law is a jealous mistress and requires long and constant courtship. We have spent countless hours in our study of the law. Even after graduation, the pursuit for its knowledge will continue. The noble profession of lawyering demands both our time and energy. However, let us not forget that although the law is a big part of who we are, it is still just a part of who we are. A professor once said that it is true that the law is a jealous mistress but that is all that it is, a mistress. Do not hesitate to explore other interests and to give time to your family and friends. Do not feel guilty when you take breaks. Like everything in life, the key is to strike a balance.

Be courageous. Continue persevering. Find your balance. I am wishing you all Godspeed.

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