[Graduation 2022] Message of Rector Pres. Gerardo Ma. De Villa OSB

To the Graduating Class of 2022,


Laws draw their inspiration from God’s Word, the ultimate law under which life itself is held bound and sacred. Significantly, all laws must sustain life even if the law itself must be sacrificed. The Gospel, universally proclaimed in every corner of the world where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered, gives us the most profound meaning of the law. In its deepest sense, Law is Love. In his letter to the Galatians, St Paul writes: “For the whole law is summed up in one commandment: Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

As authoritative interpreters of the law, it behooves Bedan lawyers never to forget that Jesus Christ is the best interpreter of the Law since He embodies it perfectly. You have received your Bedan education in the happiest Law school. As doctors of jurisprudence, lawyers, and soon-to-be attorneys, fiscals, and judges by the grace of God, I congratulate all of you for finishing the course.

Best wishes to everyone, and may God bless us all!

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