By French Vivienne T. Templonuevo | The Red Chronicles
Photo Courtesy | AP
For a massive shift in the American political landscape to ensue, the cunning cloak of the two-party system should be unveiled — that there is a steadfast service of the Republicans and the Democrats to the whims of the corporate giants since the third millennium.
Inasmuch as the American nation was appalled with the results of the 2024 US Elections, the world was astonished by the prevailing political situation of a geopolitically dominant state as that of the United States. While the US elections fiasco might be globally astounding, bear in mind that in no case that the loss of Kamala Harris entail the failure of the Democratic Party to champion people’s interest. Thus, the Democrats are nothing but the exact mirror figure of the Republicans. As the Democratic Party hides behind a cloak of the pro-people and progressive calls, it remains to be a centrist party, plummeting to the right-wing political spectrum.
At the outset, the Democratic Party was never a left-wing party, but its real face reflects a subservient body politic to the corporate interests, simultaneously, operating to quash the moderate progressive within the party. With the same political engine that circumnavigates within the party, corporations inject their agenda by funding the Democratic Party and the Republicans by banking billions of dollars on the Democratic and Republican Parties. It is not unfamiliar that large conglomerate figures such as Michael Bloomberg and Elon Musk surfaced during the campaign trail.
In 2010, the US Supreme Court legalized political action committees (PACs), allowing the tax-exempt organizations to collate unlimited campaign contributions for the corporations’ preferred candidates. Subsequently, manifestations of corporate capture prevailed over the US political party system. The Elon Musk-backed Republican candidates were bestowed more than US 277 million dollars. Furthermore, the institutionalization of Super PACs, which purported to bankrolling independent political activities, railroaded corporatization of Trump’s policies as he championed massive deregulation and mass deportation of migrant workers and immigrants. This corporate maneuver buoyed Trump, and all other electoral figures, as the latter were buoyed with monetary promise and aid.
RTX Corporation, a multinational conglomerate for aerospace and defense, was deemed the third largest US Federal Government military contractor and primordially profited by more than ten percent. Such a huge percentile arose from the massive sale of armaments following the October 7th genocidal attacks of the Israeli Government on the Gaza Strip. The supply of arms, missiles, and a US 38 billion-dollar military aid, were emboldened by the then-Biden-Harris regime, killing 7,300 Palestinians in 2023 alone.
To maintain the US hegemonic interest in the Indo-Pacific region, it heftily spends military aid to the Philippine islands to massively increase the armament business, and to browbeat the SEA states with US investments, through its regional supply chains.
Further corporatization of the US healthcare system was never disallowed by any sitting administration, be it a Republican or a Democrat. To this day, low-income earners or the working class have been immensely burdened with an average of $12,900 for health expense expenditures, as they continue to harshly experience the blatant denial of health coverage from privatized health insurance companies.
Thus, the US, through the ploy of corporate capture, legitimized a conservative agenda and fascistic rule while kissing the feet of business goliaths. Now, the American citizenry is left crippled. The resurgence of the Far-Right winger Trump administration to power is indeed a response from the people’s disappointment with the same old status quo that the Democratic Party continued to perpetuate.
The challenge to pull a new political maneuver does not only rest on the US’ Two-Party system for it to abandon the great corporate capture. Lest the American Left should directly reject the fascist resurgence to support the interest of the oppressed working class and the low-income American citizenry. By mass organizing with the grassroot communities in the west, the American Left along with the internationalist solidarity movement, would finally unveil the cunning cloak of the Right and Center-winged warmongerers and thieves that bled their nation’s pockets dry.
Note: This article was first published in Volume XVIII, Issue I print edition of The Red Chronicles.