SOL Guidance Week: A Breath of Fresh Air

By Nico Angelo Solon

SBCA-SoL Chorale performs at the Quaranfeels, an online concert, via zoom. (Photo by Anne Naig / The Red Chronicles)

The School of Law’s Counseling and Career Development Services (CCDS), in collaboration with the School of Law Internship Department (SOLID) spearheaded the annual Guidance Week. The week-long event was held last October 26 to 30, 2021. It featured activities for the student body, which served as the school’s mental health break after a week of midterm examinations, going with its theme “Me, My Life and the Pandemic: Healing, Growing and Thriving as a Bedan.”

“The challenging part was the conceptualization of each activity,” said SOLID President Jon Mayette Salacup when asked about the challenges her team encountered during the course of the event. She added that each activity during the guidance week was deliberated in accordance to the organization’s vision and mission.

The event kicked off with an online concert organized by the SBCA Chorale. The virtual concert also featured the new members of the Chorale who serenaded the students.

SOLID also held competitions such as the meme-making competition “That Meme Do” and the Mobile Legends competition “Lex Play: Season 2” to lighten up the students’ news feed. They also curated a Buzzfeed-like exam “What Type of Law Student Are You?” and posted stories of perseverance from SOL students Lyka Destajo, Tino Duran, and Vyne Hautea.

Finally, the week was concluded with the webinars featuring Atty. Jerekko Cadorna, who shared his inspiring life as a law student and Ms. Yeng Gatchalian, who talked about the healthy habits beneficial to law students’ mental health.

Despite the challenges faced by the student body in an online setting, the efforts of the school’s guidance office along with SOLID and the SBCA Chorale provided the breath of fresh air that the student body needed after facing the grueling midterm examinations.

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