By Joy Louise T. Evidente/THE RED CHRONICLES
Layout by Joanne Dy Bunteng/THE RED CHRONICLES
The San Beda College Alabang – School of Law’s own Council of Moot and Debate has solidified its reputation as a powerhouse in competitive argumentation and public speaking, shaking up every competition and making sure everyone hears the mighty roar of the Red Lions. Throughout the school year, CMD has demonstrated unparalleled prowess, securing victories and accolades across various prestigious competitions, bringing pride to the lion’s den.
The journey of excellence began in July, when CMD was hailed as National Finalists in the 1st LEB Moot Court Competition for the performances of Ivan Aborot, Karl Emmanuel Divina, and Gian Romano as oralists and the efforts of Lyn Clouie Uy as Head Researcher, Dave Umeran, and Diana Jane Luib as student coaches, and Attorney Uella Vida Mancenido-Gayo as faculty coach.
Right after the September Bar Examinations, the council also competed in Year 4 of the Philippine Law Debate Competition (PLDC), where Diana Jane Luib, Ezekiel Dwight Sambat, and Aira Julie Gianan of Team Alab 2 finished the competition as First Runner-Up, with Dave Umeran also ranking as the 3rd Best Adjudicator for the competition.
Ending 2023 with a bang, Team PowerPuff Girls, composed of Jayzamel Vista, Aira Julie Gianan, and Joy Louise T. Evidente, also placed third in the Commission of Human Rights’ 2nd Inter-Law School Human Rights Debate Competition after being the First Breaking and Highest Ranking Team to the semi-finals for their three wins, zero losses and a total of 684 points during the elimination rounds.
The pursuit of excellence continued with participation in international competitions in early February 2024, in which the council sent representatives to the Southeast Asian Regional Rounds of the 18th Stetson Annual International Environmental Moot Court Competition, where team 927 acquired 2 oral round wins and 1 memorial round win in the persons of Team Captain Karl Emmanuel Divina for first oralist, Aira Julie Gianan for second oralist for claimant, and Joy Louise T. Evidente for second oralist for respondent.
Together with the oralists were researchers Radha Catarig and Sherry Jane Pagay, and for five months the team worked to complete a written memorial and oral speeches with their faculty coach, Attorney Mancenido-Gayo and student-coaches Diana Jane Luib, Dave Umeran, and Gian Romano.
Also in February were the national rounds of the 2024 Jessup Cup, where the team ranked top 5 in the national rounds and qualified as an exhibition team that competed in Washington, DC, USA, in mid-March. The team was composed of oralists Diana Jane Luib, Dave Umeran, and Ivan Aborot, with James Carreon as Team Administrator and lead researcher and Attorney Mancenido-Gayo as coach.

It was also in the national rounds that Luib was ranked as the Overall Best Oralist, and in the international rounds that she was also the 1st-ranking Oralist of the Exhibition Teams category, with Umeran as 3rd-ranking, and Aborot as 8th-ranking in the same category.
Ending February, first-time law school debaters Patrick Richard Magcawas, Luis Mendoza, and Angelou Sta. Juana were grand finalists during the Conflicts of Law Siklab Debate Competition coached by Karl Emmanuel Divina, Aira Julie Gianan, Joy Louise T. Evidente, and Ezekiel Dwight Sambat.

Finally, in March, the council sent a contingent to Hong Kong for the Willem C Vis East Arbitration Moot Court Competition composed of Team Captain Elaiza Usisa, Lyn Clouie Uy, Sofia Yasay, and Jydel Famentera as oralists, Angela Sevilla and Leslie Tan as researchers, Sofia Eleazar as Team Administrator and lead researcher, with Attorney Mancenido-Gayo as coach.

To end the school year, two pairs of oralists, Sofia Regina Yasay and Aira Julie Gianan, and James Carreon and Joy Louise T. Evidente, represented SBCA-SOL in the 3rd ADR Moot Court Competition in April, whereas two teams were sent to the MAD Debate competition in May, with team A composed of Luis Mendoza, Karl Emmanuel Divina, and Joy Louise T. Evidente.
With a relentless commitment to excellence and guided by the expertise of Attorney Uella Vida Mancenido-Gayo, CMD has consistently upheld the values of San Beda, its country, and God, solidifying its status as a beacon of excellence in the legal arena.