Tricks or Tips: The Ultimate Law School Survival Guide

By: Lorraine Christine Santos 

Layout by: Aubrey Angeli W. Tan

Thinking about law school? Before you dive headfirst into a world of jurisprudence and sleep deprivation, let me guess why you’re here. If you find yourself nodding along to any of these, you might just have stepped into the right place. I’m guessing you are either one of these:

  • You enjoy the sound of your own thoughts. Lawyers are essentially thinkers. Analyzing and dissecting arguments for hours (or days) can be a guilty pleasure for a legal mind. 
  • You’re in the ultimate training grounda quarter-life dilemma. Are you currently questioning your life choices, career path, and the meaning of existence? If yes, you’re experiencing what 90% of law students are going through. Enjoy the chaos, it gets better (and bigger). 
  • You’re the family arbitrator. You might have a natural talent for legal debate. Just think of the courtroom as a bigger, more formal version of your family dinner table. 
  • Conflict and drama are your love languages. If you thrive in the eye of the storm, the legal profession is calling for people like you who have the heart and mind to fight for justice. 

The fun starts when you miraculously get through the application process. Don’t worry, this is why we wrote this article for you. This survival guide will give you the tips and tricks to navigate the treacherous waters of cases, provisions, recitations, and walking codals – your professors. 

Tip 1: Befriend your classmates. 

Law school is often portrayed as a cutthroat battleground for everyone aiming for high grades and landing at great firms. While there’s some truth to that, healthy competition will not hurt. Finding the right support system can help you stay motivated. After all, misery loves company. 

Tip 2: Master the Art of Productive Procrastination

There’s a difference between organizing your case digests and binge-watching TV shows. One trick that works for most of us is allotting some time for unproductive activities and later guilt-tripping ourselves into studying. Productive procrastination is turning something you love into something productive, like crafting creative mind maps or listening to podcasts about law. 

Tip 3: Develop a thick skin… and a sense of humor

The legal profession is not for the faint of heart. You need to bounce back from setbacks and criticism faster than you can say dura lex sed lex. You also need to develop a good sense of humor; laugh at your mistakes and your professor’s jokes, if there’s any. This helps build stronger relationships and reminds you that there is a bigger picture out there beyond your silly mistakes in the classroom. 

Tip 4: Learn to say No

Gone are the days of spontaneous activities and carefree weekends. While social media can be cruel by reminding you of the fun you’re missing out on, sacrificing for a long-term goal is a valuable skill in the legal profession. You will have plenty of time to make up for the lost happy hours once you have conquered the final boss – your bar exam. 

Now that you have learned the basics of thriving in law school, we have something to share that only the happiest law school will teach you. Here come the tricks!

Trick 1: Study harder than anyone else… or at least pretend to!

While charm and wit make a successful lawyer, they don’t really get you far on exam days. Here’s the thing: Pretending to study creates the illusion of diligence, and somewhere down the road, you end up either memorizing or just getting familiar with what you are “reading.” It’s a win-win, especially for days that you are just too tired for anything. 

Trick 2: Spy with your little eye. 

Again, law school is a battlefield. Any information is the ultimate weapon. Traditional study methods are great, but a little espionage can go a long way. Picture this: You are about to face the wrath of your professor’s notorious socratic method. Heart pounding and palms sweating as if you’re caught in a lie. After all the prayers and readings, your last resort is to grill the survivors from the previous class. What did the professor focus on? Did anyone almost die from random recitations? But like any person committing espionage, you do not want to get caught. 

Trick 3: The Unsung Hero 

A beadle is someone who knows the system. They carry insights into the professor’s quirks and teaching strategies. Let’s face it, that’s worth more than any case digest. So next time you need to know what books to get or what homework coverage to read, ask your beadle. 

Trick 4: The ALAC Method

Alac, not Alak! Although I’m sure we both prefer the latter. ALAC is basically a fancy way of saying, “think, think, think, then make your thoughts sound smart!” ALAC is a tool to organize your answers in exams and recitation. It stands for Answer, Legal Basis, Application, and Conclusion. Whether it actually works is up to you to decide. 

Trick 5: The Recitation

This is where self-esteem goes to die, or at least where your confidence takes a nosedive. It’s like being thrown into the arena, armed with nothing but your hazy memory. Why bother trying? Well, most professors are actually merciful and will reward you with bonus points for attempting to show that you have studied. Try not to draw a blank when you are called to stand. Remember, even the most brilliant minds have their fair share of embarrassing recitations. 

Finally, remember that you are not alone. Law school is a black hole that will consume your life if you let it. So pace yourself, take breaks, learn from the setbacks, and celebrate your wins, big or small. You will tumble many times along the way, but all those doubts will go away when you realize how great of a  person you will become after it. 

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